TL:DR: Below you will find an initial draft of the timeline for the annual Org proposal process. This timeline, which was prepared by the Governance and Operations Committees, aims to align the community on deadlines and expectations during annual Org proposal cycles. We want to start collecting feedback from the community to gauge if this timeline resonates with them. Please share your feedback by April 19th.
Clarifying and Revising a Timeline for Annual Proposals
As captured in the Governance Feedback Survey, November’s Org proposal cycle was demanding and stressful for everyone involved. Org proposals (and their supporting documentation) are unique to other governance proposals in that each Org proposal outlines a year-long strategic direction and a (significant) budget that Radworks considers to fund. Last November, there were four active Org proposals that were applying for funding from Radworks in the same cycle.
Simply put, there wasn’t enough time in a regular proposal cycle for the community and proposal authors to meaningfully review and discuss these very substantial proposals.
Proposed Annual Timeline
With this clarified timeline, our goals are:
- Provide the community with predictable, more accessible timeframes for reviewing, evaluating, and interacting with annual proposals
- Enable Org leads to plan ahead while preparing annual Org proposals and supplemental documents (e.g. annual retrospectives)
- Ensure higher quality final proposals that have been enriched by community engagement and have community buy-in
From the feedback shared in the survey, we learned that, although people really appreciated the idea of Retrospectives and MoUs, many did not have time to properly review them. On the proposal author side, many felt rushed to incorporate feedback in such a short time period. We also observed some critical/contentious feedback being shared very late in the proposal process, leaving little time to discuss or negotiate complex components of the proposals.
The timeline is structured in a way that aims to:
- Create more time between the publishing of the retrospective and the Org proposal to allow for proper review of both.
- Recommend a tiered review process, sharing early drafts of the proposal with major stakeholders for review far in advance of the November cycle
- Require formal proposal drafts be shared at least two weeks before the November cycle, leaving four whole weeks for the community to review and discuss, surface and address problems, before the voting process begins.
Timeline Feedback:
While reviewing the proposed timeline below and drafting your feedback, keep the following questions in mind:
- Do you feel the proposed timeline adequately addresses the issues experienced in last year’s Org proposal season?
- Is there anything still missing?
- Do you foresee any conflicts with other deadlines/timelines Orgs have planned for the year?
We aim to have a more formal version of this timeline updated by May 2024. We currently plan to host it on the forum for now. Input and confirmation from the community will be crucial to be able to finalize this. Please share your feedback by April 19th.
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Insight into Upcoming Work
In addition to introducing the Annual Org Proposal Timeline, the Governance and Operations Committees are actively taking actions to improve Radworks governance coordination and processes around annual Org proposal cycles. These initiatives include:
- Reformatting Community Calls so that community members are getting the information needed to assess progress and alignment with each Org’s proposal throughout the year.
- Revising templates for Org Retrospectives to ensure Orgs provide the community with details relevant for evaluating their next Annual Proposal, while also being realistic about what information will be available [in October].
- Updating Org Proposal templates to reflect minimum Org requirements [coming soon!] and highlight the most critical information to streamline the review process.
- Evaluating Drips as a payout mechanism for enabling greater accountability and reducing the need for trust in how Radworks funds its Orgs.
- Revisiting the Timeline later this year to incorporate any changes made to or work that has impacted the Annual Proposal cycle.
We will continue to publish drafts of this work as it’s completed in order to get your feedback before it’s finalized.