General Announcements & Updates
- We have shifted our approach to Radworks marketing (see note on this below) - and this will be lead by Ele in the interim.
- Strategy and Governance committees will be publishing their revised Q2 objectives later this week.
Quarterly Objectives Updates
Foundation Council
[Foundation Council 2024 Objectives]
- Revamped language on the Foundation website - to better reflect the Foundation’s focus and relationship with Radworks.
- Published the Foundation’s 2023 annual activity and financial report to Radworks.
- Revised the Radworks Marketing strategy and budget (to be posted on the forum SOON) based on new narrative for Radworks. This includes starting to hire for Marketing Lead and Video Producer positions.
- Elected new Foundation Council member: welcome, Gabriela!
Thank you for your service, Alexis
As well as hired and onboarded a Strategic Financial Partnerships Manager: welcome, Katia!
- Successfully completed the Foundation’s annual audit for 2023.
Ops Committee
Foundation Health
- Completed the Foundation’s 2023 accounts.
- Supported the FC in completing the 2023 audit and preparing the 2023 Annual Report including financials to the Radworks Community.
- Organised, prepared and carried out the Q1 Foundation Council meeting in Zurich, which also included meetings with Zurich stakeholders.
Radworks Ecosystem Support
- Provided potential Orgs with operational information and support - including, review and editing of Org proposals, entity evaluation.
- Progressed trademarks (Drips, Radworks and Radicle) in Europe and beyond.
- Carried out a first phase of Radworks risk analysis to better inform ecosystem [strategic, legal, and governance-related] priorities.
- Administered contributor vesting contracts.
Strategy Committee
- Facilitated conversation regarding Radworks strategy. The RSN Org (with the support of its Tokenomics Working Group) will be pursuing one path that will contribute to the sustainability of Radworks.
- Coordinated re-design of Radworks website based on new narrative.
- Managed strategic communications regarding new narrative.
- Rewrote Radworks documentation to better reflect new narrative.
Governance Committee
Governance Committee - 2024 Proposal
- Conducted Governance Feedback Survey and shipped a round of Governance improvements
- Published Annual Org Proposal Timeline, a comprehensive timeline for annual budget Org cycles, including governance & operational milestones
- Facilitated a discussion on “What’s an Org” and supported the Grants Org propose improvements to its organizational structure.
- Attended EthDenver and hosted the third edition of Global Governance Gathering, bringing together a curated group of DAO governance leads and experts. Review the key takeaways here.
- Enhanced the security and resilience of the Radworks governance process by establishing routine monitoring of dashboards and on-chain data.
- Revamped Discord using community feedback and Governance Feedback Analysis: Numerous adjustments were implemented to foster healthier and more efficient engagement within the Radworks Discord community. Check out the change log here.
- Shipped multiple rounds of documentation improvements on both and the Radworks’ Governance Manual to make it easier to find information and resources, clarify expectations of participants at different phases of the governance process, and add resources and templates requested by the community.
- Facilitated the successful passing of RGP-20, RGP-22, RGP-23, RGP-24 and the preparation of RGP-25, and RGP-XX (Upgrade Governance Contracts). You can find these proposals here.
Timeline & Budget Update
Foundation Council
As of 29 February 2024, the Foundation Council has spent 3% of its 2024 budget. The spend so far has been focused on contributors (who have been executing on the work outlined above). March spend will include costs for FC remuneration and expenses related to the FC quarterly meeting in Switzerland. There have been no sponsorships yet.
As a result of the changes to Marketing, the FC will be reviewing the marketing invoices and budget going forward. This is where we intend to see over-spend based on new priorities and activities. Since Q2 will be a test for this new marketing strategy and budget, we will update the community on the Q2 Community Call as to how we intend to support and budget for this Radworks marketing work through the remainder of the year.
Ops Committee
Based on January and February spending (at about 40% of budgeted monthly costs) - we are on track with budget. Aside from an unexpected Swiss licensing cost there are no unexpected costs.
The Ops Team will be meet in Berlin during Berlin Blockchain week and hopes to arrange an activity to meet with contributors.
Strategy Committee
As of 29 February 2024, the Strategy Committee has spent 11.7% of its 2024 budget. We expect a reduction in spend over the next quarter as the Strategy Committee restructures its Q2 objectives. There was some over-spend associated with Radworks team events & Strategy offsites, but we believe these deviations will be balanced out by the reductions we will see in contributor costs.
Governance Committee
As of 29 February 2024, the Strategy Committee has spent 11.1% of its 2024 budget. We saw some under-spending earlier in the quarter for contributor costs, so are confident and on track to stay within budget over the next.