Final: Annual Org Proposal Timeline

Below you will find the final Annual Org Proposal Timeline. This timeline, which was prepared by the Governance and Operations Committees, aims to align the community on deadlines and expectations during annual Org proposal cycles.

The purpose of this timeline is to:

  • Provide the community with predictable, more accessible timeframes for reviewing, evaluating, and interacting with annual proposals
  • Enable Org leads to plan ahead while preparing annual Org proposals and supplemental documents (e.g. annual retrospectives)
  • Ensure higher quality final proposals that have been enriched by community engagement and have community buy-in

This timline was discussed and interated on with the community in this discussion post. Adjustments to the quarterly Community Calls were discussed and determined via this Discourse poll.

The exact payout mechanims for Orgs to receive grants from the Treasury is still listed as TBD, although the current plan is to use Drips to distribute the funds as described in this forum post.

The Governance and Operations Committees will support Org leads by facilitating alignment with the deadlines outlined on the timeline.

Please drop any questions or further feedback below!