Upstream Jan 2022 Update

We’ve achieved a big milestone: We started using Upstream Patches instead of Github Pull Requests for submitting code contributions to Upstream.

Patches with Upstream

To make the switch it was necessary to define a process that takes into account the p2p nature and is now documented in detail for core contributors. (The processes is very similar to what the Link team is doing) We also started a guide for external contributors so they can contribute. Even with the guide not being super accesible we have received external contributions from some enterprising folks.


To get to the point where we could use Upstream we had to make replication with radicle-link stable enough. It works (semi-)reliably for us now but is still quite buggy beyond our narrow needs.

Collecting Feedback

We now have been using Upstream and the new process for allmost all code changes. The user experience for this is quite painful and tedious but trying it out has provided us with a good idea where we can improve it. (We’ve collected feedback in a document.)

Improving Patch Experience

For the month of February we want to improve the core user experience for managing patches. We’ll start by providing a CLI tool that eliminates most of the tedious tasks and reduces the chances you make errors when inputing data. A CLI offers us the quickest route to improve the experience and to experiment with the patch experience.

We’ll also continue to improve replication reliably. This was also an issue in the feedback though not a high impact one at the moment.

Product Owner Role

We are looking for somebody who can work with us as a product owner to keep us laser-focused on users. If you’re interested reach out to us or send this role to people that may be interested.