04/2024 - Governance Committee Update

:speaking_head: Announcements

  • The Annual Org Proposal Timeline has been finalized and published on the forum. This is part of a larger effort from the Governance and Operations Committees to improve the annual Org proposal cycles. The community can use this as a guide to understand when critical resources and Org proposal drafts can be expected to be published and discussed leading up to the November cycle.

:ballot_box: Governance Proposals

Past Proposals

Active in Current Cycle

  • There are no active proposals in the May cycle.

Upcoming Proposals

  • Governance Contract Upgrade to OZ Governor: The proposal draft has been up on the forum for discussion for a few months. Before formally submitting the proposal to a governance cycle, we wanted to explore potential additional functionality to possibly include with the standard upgrade, although after further consideration we have decided to move forward with the standard upgrade for now potentially in the June cycle.

:seedling: Governance Initiatives

  • After the RGP-23 “voting extension” submission, we have drafted a potential formal process for how this could be used in the future. We are currently looking for feedback on this new mechanism in this forum post.
  • Added new ecosystem diagram & governance process images to docs.radworks.org.
  • Supported Ops in drafting the Drips payout mechanism for Orgs for 2025 and beyond.
  • We supported bordumb in updating Grants documentation and resources (see PR 107, 108 & 109). Once the entity for the Grants program is settled and a KYC process is in place, we will do another round of updates to ensure all documentation is clear and up to date with the necessary information.
  • Started looking into what it would mean to enable “partial delegation” (ie. ability to delegate to more than one other address) with the support of Scopelift. This would be a separate upgrade to the token contracts in the future.
  • Finalizing the Contributor Handbook was delayed again for final review, but it will be launched and shared with contributors this week. The handbook aims to establish a common understanding of key Radworks structures and provide useful internal operations resources for core contributors.

:sparkles: Team Updates

Stay rad(works)! - Shelby & Abbey