Community & Governance Update - January 2023

Hi Radicles! Here’s our update for January :sun_with_face::

Community Updates

  • The Contributor Offsite is fast approaching, as you know the dates are February 19th -23rd! We’re collecting ideas for content that people would like to see discussed during the offsite so if you have any then please share in the link that Becca will post in the core channel on discord. We also added a new question to this form and that is your preferred swag size! Please fill this in so I can make sure everyone can look fly while we are there…

    If you have an email from either Sally or Becca regarding the offsite, please make sure you get back to us ASAP!

  • Drips will be at ETHDenver! Main conference will be from 3rd - 5th March. Buidl Week is the 24th Feb - 2nd March.

    If there’s anyone who’s not previously expressed an interest in coming to Denver and getting involved, please let Becca know ASAP.

  • Events call out! Becca is compiling an events calendar at the moment and if you’ve heard of a hot event you think we should be a part of then please let her know. The new and improved events dashboard on Notion should be up and running shortly, look out for an update from Becca when it is live.

Governance Updates

Governance team

Abbey will be back from vacation end of this week!

Abbey and I have been brainstorming needed updates to governance process, coordination and tooling and have started formalizing these changes into a proposal. This includes everything from clearer proposal labeling, proposal types, improved proposal templates, clearer cycles/scheduling, changes governance calls and more. I briefly discussed some of these updates in the last Governance Call, but we plan to share more formal discussion posts in early Feb.

Abbey and I posted the 2022 Governance Wrapped earlier this month! This post reviews some the main highlights from governance proposals & development over the past year, as well as lays out priorities and big plans for governance in 2023!

Governance Proposals

  • There are currently no new governance proposals or updates to share on recently passed proposals.


  • There are currently no new proposals in the Discussion phase or updates to share on recent Discussions.

Temperature Checks

Transition to the DAO Updates

Org Design Workstream

  • Check out the December/January Update from the CDO Working Group here!
  • The Core Development Org Design Working Group prepared an Operational Tooling Matrix for contributors to help answer their open questions regarding operational needs, such as contracts & payment, as we transition to the DAO. Ange and I have been collecting feedback from contributors as to what their needs are and what service providers they would like to use. We have started drafting and reviewing agreements with two of the service providers from the list.
  • The Core Development Org Working Group has proposed an organizational structure for the Core Development Org. The proposed structure will replace the Foundation Council’s role in funding & coordinating core development. The WG hosted an All-Hands on January 9th to present & discuss the proposed organizational design with all core contributors. The Working Group is now collecting feedback and answering questions about the model. We are working on incorporating feedback and questions around the CDO proposal and finalize the final draft that will be presented to the community on February 16th.
  • Ange, Sally and I have spent the last two weeks speaking with legal counsel to try to clarify in great detail a) what risk is involved with the proposed CDO model b) what the probability of enforcement would be in different risk categories c) where the risk/liability would fall if something were ever to happen, and more. They will present important pieces regarding “risk and liability” for the CDO within the next week or two.

DAO Tooling

  • louiegrey & I have been mapping out the technical underpinnings of various tooling options to solidify how we can use Otterspace badge off-chain votes to have on-chain power in different scenarios within the Core Development Org. We are speaking with folks from different tools (e.g. Otterspace, Zodiac, etc.) to have them confirm the processes we are thinking of putting in place are foolproof.

That’s all we have for this month! Stay Radicle! :seedling:

Yours truly - Shelby, Abbey & Becca


How can i bring in my input in relation to community and governance in relation to radicle seeing i have a verse experience in the NEAR ecosystem especially in relation to transition into the DAO system