Radicle Jetbrains IDE Plugin - 0.5.x
- Status: Open
- Proposer: @gsaslis
- Your Project(s): [optional]: GitHub - cytechmobile/radicle-jetbrains-plugin: Radicle plugin for Jetbrains IDEs
- Projects you think this work could be useful for [optional]: smoother onboarding onto radicle
With an alpha 0.3.x version released, that introduced partial support for Radicle Patch Proposals (given whatever functionality is currently exposed by the latest stable version of the CLI), we are now ready to proceed with the next major milestone for the Radicle Jetbrains IDE plugin: Heartwood support.
In addition to porting all of the existing functionality (that makes sense) to Heartwood, we are excited to build upon the foundation for Radicle Patch Proposals and enable decentralized code collaboration directly from the IDE, as soon as possible!
Description - 0.5.x 
Moving forward, we would like to suggest moving away from a fixed-price type of grant we have been working with so far, to more of a time and materials type of grant. To elaborate:
What this means
- We are requesting funding for the next 10 calendar weeks of development, to cover our 4th and 5th development iterations (what some call “sprints”).
- We will be focusing on the below development goals, however, rather than committing to these as deliverables, we announce these as our desirable outcomes.
- As we move closer to the end of the 10 weeks period we will have a better idea and be more confident regarding how close we are to achieve these goals.
- There is a higher risk than usual in estimating the work to be included in the upcoming 0.4.x / 0.5.x iterations, due to the underlying changes coming around with Heartwood.
- We need time to absorb Heartwood changes, as well as move forward with the actual changes required in the IDE plugin itself.
- We have already been working on Radicle for several months (I have personally been involved for over a year now). During this time, our relationship with Radicle has been somewhat occasional - primarily due to the nature of the Grants: one-off payments for specific deliverables. Due to this relationship, allocating time to Radicle over our other work, has sometimes proven a challenge. However, we have now been working with the project long enough that we feel we can extend that engagement - addressing this “commitment” challenge. Moving to a different grant format introduces a longer-term perspective into this relationship.
Development goals
With most UX journeys already implemented pre-heartwood, this grant will allow us to focus on porting them over to Heartwood:
One-time or infrequent (less than once per week) use:
- Create new radicle identity and manage key pairs (Port to Heartwood)
- Initialise and publish a git project on radicle (Port to Heartwood)
- (Tracked) Seed nodes (Port to Heartwood)
- Discover projects available on the seed node (Port to Heartwood)
- Track and checkout projects (Port to Heartwood)
Daily use:
- Pushing local changes to Radicle nodes and peers (Port to Heartwood)
- Synchronising changes from other Radicle seed nodes and peers (Port to Heartwood - remove feature)
- Collaboration on Patch Proposals as Collaborative Objects (cobs) (Port to Heartwood and build on 0.3.x work)
- Collaboration with Issues as Collaborative Objects (probably outside the scope of this development cycle)
In a nutshell, we propose to follow a model much closer to the well-established model that the other Radicle software development teams follow:
- work iteratively towards the goals outlined above,
- maintain a new public channel on discord for interaction with other teams / community,
- provide community updates every month in Radicle’s community calls with progress updates.
- Total Duration: 68.75 FTE days
- Software Engineer Full-time equivalent (FTE): 37.5 FTE days
- Senior Software Engineer Full-time equivalent (FTE): 18.75 FTE days
- Product Owner Full-time equivalent (FTE): 12.5 FTE days
- Total Costs: 47 500 EUR (51 120 USDC)
Option 1: Drips-Powered Payments
In terms of a proposed payment sctructure, we would be prefer to be onboarded to Drips, as a way to “drink our own champagne” and reuse another Radicle stack product.
Option 2: Traditional Payments Schedule
In case it is not possible to onboard to Drips (v2) (e.g. because of a delayed launch), we propose a more traditional schedule, as per below:
- 20% advance payment upon approval of the grant,
- 40% payment after 6 calendar weeks,
- 40% payment after 4 calendar weeks.
Team members
- Yorgos Saslis
- Ioannis Christodoulou
- Stelios Mavrommatakis
- Contact Name: Yorgos Saslis
- Contact Email: I can share this privately on discord.
- Website: https://gsaslis.github.io/
Legal Structure
- Registered Legal Entity: Cytech Ltd.
- Registered Address: Science & Technology Park of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Team’s experience
- [Yorgos] 15+ years of experience in various roles of the full Software Development Lifecycle: writing code, agreeing on specs with clients, architecting systems, establishing product priorities, designing testing and CI strategies, and co-creating department-wide processes - with an itch for driving “waste” out the door. Co-founder of developer communities (DevStaff, Heraklion Software Crafters, Web3 Greece) and co-organizer of open space unconferences (AgileCrete, JCrete) on the (paradise!
) island of Crete!
- [Ioannis Christodoulou] is a Software Architect with 10 years of professional experience in Web and Mobile applications, such as Greek Passenger Locator Form (a web application that all travelers coming to Greece were required to fill-in) and Covid Free GR (the mobile application used throughout Greece to verify COVID-19 vaccination, recovery and test certificates). He is also the creator and maintainer of an IntelliJ plugin (GitExtender - github, marketplace ) for managing and updating multiple git repositories in the same IntelliJ project.
- [Stelios Mavrommatakis] is a young Full Stack Software Engineer focused on web applications development. He had participated in large software projects like the EU-DPLF (https://euplf.eu/) a paneuropean application for covid19 contact tracing for tavelers to the EU. He is a passionate software engineer and is currently working on a web3 project expanding his knowledge and experience in new and challenging sectors.
Team Code Repos
- gsaslis (Yorgos Saslis) · GitHub
- JChrist (Ioannis Christodoulou) · GitHub
- Stelios123 (steliosMavr) · GitHub
Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/gsaslis
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jchrist7
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/stelios-mavrommatakis
Additional Information 
How did you hear about the Grants Program? Radicle Discord