Yubiai (D-Marketplace) - Grant Application

Yubiai Grant Application

  • Project Name: Yubiai
  • Team Name: Yubiai
  • Level: :seedling: Seed

Project Overview :page_facing_up:

Yubiai it´s a Decentralized Marketplace (D-commerce) in Web3, focused on protect customers of scams.


In Yubiai we added a two security layers to be ensure that buyers and sellers are fully protected by Kleros Escrow and Dispute resolver. In first phase we add an extra security layer, using Proof of Humanity protocol, to guarantee both parts are validated real humans.
Yubiai have 4 founders, fully advocated at the project since June 2021, and at the moment we are incubated by Kleros in their offices in Lisbon, Portugal.

In our first round we got 50K, to finish the MVP, and we are looking for a second round of 250K to expand the team, and deploy on mainet.
You can take a look of our pitch here, and can snitch our alpha in app.yubiai.market. We decide to do this because we are part of Proof of Humanity Project, and we agreed that this marketplace will be an excellent idea to give to Real Humans the chance to use their Crypto (in their case UBI Tokens, BTC, ETC, or Just Stables) to buy and sell goods, services, in a secure way.

Team :busts_in_silhouette:


  • Contact Name: Benjamin Pieres
  • Contact Email: benja@yubiai.market
  • Website: linktr.ee/yubiai


Taking a quick look at this, all of the milestones are related to your own MVP.

Our process of review is evolving, but an emergent pattern we want to avoid is funding other teams’ work unless there is some direct integration with Radicle’s protocols.

Please feel free to reapply once your MVP is built or if there is perhaps a milestone that is more directly tied to Radicle.

Lastly, the application is missing all of crucial info (e.g. wallet address).
Please read about our application template and process here: https://github.com/radicle-dev/radicle-grants/tree/main/grants/applications

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions!