We Should Devise a White Paper Outlining Every Step of the Radicle Project in the Future

I was searching through the docs of the RAD project on the “radicle.xyz” and to my surprise, there is still no white paper on there. I know we have a super-active devs team and community, but I also assume that we should try to disseminate the project info as widely as possible.
White papers have long been proven to be a trusted source of info for crypto followers, and the public kind of judge the “proficiency and dexterity” of the teams through the white papers.
I believe we have to add that to the website. Basically, we have all the content to put in the white paper (development and marketing steps, tokenomics, etc.). So, it is more of a formatting matter rather than creating.
What are your thoughts on this? Any suggestions?

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Interesting! I wonder if a whitepaper is the best medium for this… I agree that we should have a more publicly accessible place for core contributors to share work / roadmaps with the community. I wonder if a monthly community call w/ public notes is a better way to provide this information to the community!


I’d second @abbey point that a white paper doesn’t seem to be the right format to convey a roadmap and next steps for the project. While it is a common artifact often found on marketing pages of projects related to crypto, it takes a lot of resources to produce a well-structured one. As easy as it can help increase the reach and help communicate the vision, it can backfire if it doesn’t withstand light scrutiny. I’d argue the core streams the team is focusing on at the moment are more effective than tying up valuable attention putting together a white paper.

In turn what information isn’t surfaced at the moment that would help filling the gaps?

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My understanding is that white papers are more concerned with describing long term implementation plans and are not suitable for work heavy white paper production when the RAD economic model is still in the mapping phase. Now RAD’s focus is more on short to medium term product development or operational planning, and market participants will be watching to see if our plans are on track and on schedule. The followers have no idea what the team is doing now or what is planned for the next month, and are worried that the project team itself is not clear.


Yes but I believe that white papers are more than just communication tools. They are frequently cited to check the developers’ mindframe, capability, and consistency in their pathway.
Maybe we should postpone this to later when we are past the mapping phase.
Thanks for the reflections guys

Not sure if this conversation is particularly about the RAD token and its plans, or if it’s about the project in general. If it’s the latter the protocol team working on radicle-link are going to be writing RFCs for more major changes. There are two drafts in progress as we speak:

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Great links. I checked them out. Thanks for sharing. :v:t2:

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