Before the grant application remark: I put timelines of milestones with (somehow big) reserves, for the case if something will prevent my work to be accomplished fast. After all it is more important to do the work completely than do it fast. Is it OK? Or do you suggest to edit times?
Radworks Grant Application
- Project Name: Salaries Science
- Team Name: World Science DAO
- Payment Address: 0x36A0356d43EE4168ED24EFA1CAe3198708667ac0
- Category: Radicle Adoption
Project Overview 
Gitcoin killer: Gitcoin-like project for both science and software. Special features to support basic science and software components to be priority-financed.
A grants system similar to Gitcoin, but with the following features:
- allocating a part of donation to dependencies
- mandatory affiliate program, to ensure that no scientific discovery goes unmarketed (it is especially important, because a scientific project can be published, so preventing publication or re-discoveries, but go unmarketed, this way blocking development of science)
- rewarding first-comer affiliates, in order not only to start small but encompass broad adoption
The project is planned to be implemented on DFINITY Internet Computer, thanks to its super-low gas fees. Dependencies for software (like
) and for science (Semantic Scholar) are projected to be managed by third-party servers in a decentralized way.
This project is unrelated to other projects of Radicle, but its purpose is somehow similar to Drip project. However, my project is focused on a different purpose than only rewarding contributions, but intends to save science for mis-publication catastrophe.
Case study: Ordered semicategory actions (OSA) were discovered by me in 2019. Upon reading my work it becomes obvious that most of future science should build upon this discovery. But publication of OSA wasnโt successful and I after a sequence of steps came to the situation that I cannot publish my discovery neither in full (500 pages), nor by parts. So, the entire science development is stalled, until OSA will be published. I see no way to publish OSA through traditional publishers, so we need this project to support scientific marketing: I shown that even one scientific discovery without funds for publication may severely block the entire science. Apparently, other similar cases may exists, so we see that science is in deep crisis.
The radical solution of this problem is to replace the entire system of peer review by quadratic funding.
So, this project is intended for:
- provide good โsalariesโ to scientists and free software authors (especially for software components and basic science,
through allocation of a part of donations to dependencies) - unstuck science by paid scientific marketing instead of traditional peer review
Importance to unstuck science from mis-publications happened in the centralized world is immense. Even one mis-published scientific project (such as OSA) may push down the entire science and therefore world economy. It is also important to establish an effective way to reward unknown to the world software components authors.
Team members
- Victor Porton
- Contact Name: Victor Porton
- Contact Email:
- Website: Support Science and Free Software Development with Cryptocurrency Donations โ World Science DAO
Legal Structure
- Registered Address:
- Registered Legal Entity:
Teamโs experience
I have an extensive experience with DFINITY Internet Computer programming: I created the MVP (and advanced the work further) of Zon, an elaborate social network on the same platform DFINITY Internet Computer:
I also have extensive exprience with TypeScript, the language that I am going to use.
I also created XML Boiler: GitHub - vporton/xml-boiler: Automatically transform between XML namespaces in a clever way: - the most advanced software for XML processing.
I developed math related to OSA (more than 500 pages).
Team Code Repos
- vporton (mathematician) ยท GitHub
- GitHub - vporton/zondirectory2: My social network that pays to authors with referral programs
- GitHub - vporton/xml-boiler: Automatically transform between XML namespaces in a clever way:
Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)
Project Description 
The detailed description of the algorithm.
I am applying for this grant, because I want to save science from mis-publication (including but not limited to proper marketing of OSA).
I am applying for this grant, also because I also want to receive a substantial amount of money for personal purposes.
- Total Estimated Duration: 410 days
- Full-time equivalent (FTE): 242
- Total Costs: 47000 USD
Milestone 1
- Estimated Duration: 30 days
- FTE: 15
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Onchain data structure | Data structures and associated APIs for all on-chain storage described in the algorithm |
Milestone 2
- Estimated Duration: 10
- FTE: 7
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Storing GitHub JSON | API for reading the JSON file (see the article) from GitHub and storing it on-chain |
Milestone 3
- Estimated Duration: 60
- FTE: 40
- Costs: 6000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | general dependencies API | public API for storing on-chain dependencies |
Milestone 4
- Estimated Duration: 20
- FTE: 10
- Costs: 2000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Gitcoin passport | Querying and storing Gitcoin passport scores for an address |
Milestone 5
- Estimated Duration: 20
- FTE: 10
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Creating rounds backend | Backend for creating matching rounds |
2. | Creating rounds frontend | Frontend for creating matching rounds |
Milestone 6
- Estimated Duration: 20
- FTE: 10
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Pledging matchers | Accept matchers pledging matching funds |
2. | Pledging servers | Accept servers pledging gas tokens |
Milestone 7
- Estimated Duration: 90
- FTE: 60
- Costs: 6000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Accept donations backend | Accepting funds from a donor, writing basic donation info, also writing affiliate |
2. | Accept donations frontend | Accepting funds from a donor, support for affiliates |
3. | Write dependencies | Query dependencies, store them in the DB |
Milestone 8
- Estimated Duration: 20
- FTE: 10
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Matching calculation | Calculate the entire amounts paid to each user |
Milestone 9
- Estimated Duration: 30
- FTE: 15
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Consensus | Removal of erring servers by votes of other servers |
Milestone 10
- Estimated Duration: 20
- FTE: 10
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Voting for user accounts | Voting for each user account (or no account) |
Milestone 11
- Estimated Duration: 20
- FTE: 10
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Voting for passport scores | Voting for userโs Gitcoin passport scores |
Milestone 12
- Estimated Duration: 20
- FTE: 15
- Costs: 3000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Rewarding servers | Calculate and pay to server accounts |
Milestone 13
- Estimated Duration: 50
- FTE: 30
- Costs: 6000 USD
Number | Deliverable | Specification |
1. | Server reference implementation | Calculate and pay to server accounts |
- Semantic Scholar dependencies | ||
- ``` dependencies |
Future Plans
In the short term (after the release), I am going to press-release my project and gain some supporters.
In the long term, I am going to displace Gitcoin and Drip replacing them by my project.
The project will be sustainable because it will gather money, among other projects for itself.
We will need further grants for improving design, SEO, and other marketing.
Additional Information 
How did you hear about the Grants Program? personal recommendation at Discord
Work I have already done: