Reams of RFCs

Hey all :wave:

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here so I thought it was high time I did!

There’s been a lot of fun stuff happening in the radicle-link repo as we plan for a bright future. Reams of RFCs have been put up – some still in progress and some accepted.

The backbone to some of the upcoming development was the RFC 0682 which helped define an architecture that we are willing to build on top of.

This led to two further proposals: RFC 0696 and RFC 0698. The former defines the peer-to-peer daemon and its functionality. The latter, proposed by yours truly, defines the road to a rad CLI.

We also have RFC 0662 in progress, which defines collaborative objects. This will provide the foundation for building some great new features such as issues. I think this addition will allow the community to unlock their imaginations on how to collaborate using Radicle =]

Finally, RFC 0685 was accepted and a tracking issue was created. It attracted some attention and a conversation about Noise + Quic was started :eyes:

There’s going to be a lot of work to do, but that’s why we’re here! On top of implementing the above RFCs we also still need to spec out the PubSub component mentioned in RFC 0682.

As always, you can see what we’re up to on the radicle-link repo – and feel free to take part in the conversations there.

Stay Radicle :seedling: :v:


Great progress and update! :hugs:

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Thanks for update @fintohaps ! Such great work.

Just a thought – but would be really cool to get a review of active RFCs during the monthly Community Calls. Maybe a good way to track progress!

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Ya for sure! I believe I did give some updates on them on the last call, but I’ll make it a habit of doing them going forward :grin: