Radworks Financial Reporting for June 2024

Hi Community,

Please see below the Monthly Financial Report for June, 2024.

Please note, going forward financials will be reported on a quarterly basis, rather than monthly.

Highlighted Content and Notes for the Report:

  • Slide 3: “Foundation Org Expenses” - Increase in expenses of 119% month over month due to marketing expenses for learn and earn campaign with Binance, please see community update here
  • Slide 4: “Foundation Org Budget” - While the Foundation Org is forecasted to end the year at -35% below budget based on spend from the first half of the year, according to its mid-year forecast, the Foundation is expected to be on budget by end of year due to increased Marketing spend and the introduction of the Grants Program.
  • Slide 5: “Foundation Org Actuals v Budget” - Expenses 13% over budget in June, due to Marketing; 20% growth in expenses QoQ
  • Slide 6: “Drips Org Budget” - Drips forecasted to end the year at 11% over budget based on spend from first half of the year
  • Slide 7: “Drips Org Actuals v Budget” - Drips expenses decrease -41% QoQ
  • Slide 8: “Radicle Org Budget” - Radicle Org forecasted to end the year at -27% below budget based on spend from first half of the year
  • Slide 9: “Radicle Actuals v Budget” - Radicle expenses decrease -7% QoQ
  • Slide 12: A note that Drips outbound funds in June are a return to Radicle Main Treasury


Thanks for this!

I am curious what the estimated ~273K for the month of July on the last slide (titled “Grants Org”) refers to? I am assuming that this is an estimate for what will be distributed that month.

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Thank you for your question, those funds reflected are being returned to the Radworks Main Treasury.