Radicle Jetbrains IDE Plugin - 0.5.x

A bit of a delayed update on my part, as work budgeted under this proposal has been completed (we budgeted for work until April 19, but covered till April 30 - due to some holidays and people taking time off, etc.).

As part of the remaining scope of this proposal, we have covered the first stages of the ongoing work - as part of version 0.5 - that will bring support for Patch Proposals (on Heartwood) to the Jetbrains IDE. We have been closely following Heartwood development (with all the latest changes landing on a daily basis around patches) and adapting accordingly and this will continue until version 0.5 is released. The progress can be seen on the individual issues that are part of the 0.5 Milestone, but will show up more as part of the next grant proposal that will fund the shipping of version 0.5.