"Project Exodus”: Democratizing London's Housing Market Through DAO and NFT Integration"

  • Project Name: Project Exodus
  • Team Name: Value Living Group (VLG)
  • Payment Address: 0x83F64e0aA9225EAed62AcB73628Fa65089a3d6e6
  • Category: Core Infra

Project Overview :page_facing_up:


  • Tagline: Democratizing London’s Housing Market Through DAO and NFT Integration
  • Brief Description: Project Exodus aims to revolutionize the London housing market by offering affordable living rents in prime locations and integrating NFTs to allow fractional property ownership and dividends from property rentals.
  • Relation to Radicle: This project integrates blockchain technology and decentralized organizational structures with ability to have on chain KYC for compliance and ownership. This aligns with Radicle’s ethos of decentralization and community-driven initiatives.
  • Team’s Interest: Our team, Value Living Group, is committed to providing affordable housing and believes that the integration of NFTs and DAOs offers an innovative solution to the London housing crisis.

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

Team members

  • Team Leader: Alexander Karam
  • Team Members: Jon Simmons, Jerelle Jules, Kgodisho Mowa


Legal Structure

Uk register limited Company.

  • Registered Address :Park House, 1 Manor Park Rd, London NW10 4JW
  • Registered Legal Entity: Value Living Group Ltd.

Team’s experience

  • Experience: Our team has extensive experience in affordable housing development and private financing. We have previously partnered with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and have a strong track record in the UK housing sector.
  • Relevant Projects/Contributions: Our team members have been involved in various innovative housing projects and initiatives across the UK, particularly in regions with pronounced housing shortages.

Team Code Repos

  • [Your organization’s GitHub repositories]

Team LinkedIn Profiles

Web 3 Project Manager: Jerelle Jules - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mancub/

UX Developer: Kgodisho Mowa - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kgodisho-mowa/

Project Description :page_facing_up:

  • Reason for Applying: We are applying for this grant to support the development and implementation of our innovative solution to make housing in central London more affordable and inclusive.

Deliverables :nut_and_bolt:

  • Total Estimated Duration: [6 Montha]
  • Full-time equivalent (FTE): [120- 180 days0]
  • Total Costs: $50,000 USD

Phase 1: Foundation and Strategic Planning

  • Market Analysis and Decentralization Pathway Development
  • Finalizing Property Portfolio
  • DAO Structure and Governance Model Establishment

Phase 2: Technology Development and Pilot Testing

  • Development of NFT Platform and Tokenization Model
  • Pilot Testing with Selected VLG Properties
  • Feedback Integration and System Refinement

Phase 3: Full-Scale DAO and NFT Implementation

  • Full-Scale Launch of DAO Operations
  • NFT Issuance and Distribution
  • Evaluation of Initial Performance and Investor Engagement

Phase 4: Expansion and Community Building

  • Expanding Property Portfolio within the DAO Framework
  • Enhancing Community Participation and Voting Mechanisms
  • Developing Additional Investor Outreach Programs

Phase 5: Consolidation and Long-Term Strategy

  • Assessing Market Position and Adjusting Strategy
  • Implementing Advanced Technology Features
  • Long-term Sustainability Planning and Investor Relations
Number Deliverable Specification
1. Development of NFT and token with ability for on-chain KYC in smart contract. Creation of a platform for tokenization of property ownership
2. DAO Structure Establishment Setting up the governance model for decentralized decision-making

Future Plans

  • Short Term: We plan to use the grant to launch our project, enhance our platform, and promote community engagement.
  • Long Term: Our long-term goal is to expand our project to other regions and ensure its sustainability through continuous development and community support.

Additional Information :heavy_plus_sign:

How did you hear about the Grants Program? [Your source of information]

  • Previous Work: We have already established a foothold in the UK’s affordable housing market and partnered with notable organizations.
  • Contributions from Other Teams: We have collaborated with Habitat for Humanity and other entities in our previous projects.
  • Previous Grants: [Any previous grants applied for, if applicable]

Doesn’t seem like it has anything to do with Radicle…