The growth team turned its focus to building a few mission and vision aligned partnerships whilst highlighting all the hard work being done across the DAO. Our aim is to ensure that the broader ecosystem knows our mission, the progress we’ve already made, and maintain their enthusiasm for the project as the product and protocol teams work on the next iteration of development.
- The lens through which we are viewing partnerships is to focus on awareness and product integrations. We are starting with a conversation to understand the other organization’s goals, mission, and appetite for collaboration. Then we talk about product integrations, what their roadmap is, and what Drips V.2 is. The following step is to chat with their marketing team to collaborate on co-marketing activities. Parallelly, we want to spin up a technical conversation between the two product teams to talk more deeply about integration opportunities.
- Mission and vision aligned partnership discussions with Giveth, TheGraph, Optimism, Popcorn. @Lfada
- Partnership announcement piece with Giveth once they release GIVPower (new product). Lucas, Harry
- On the works: Partnership proposal to TheGraph and Optimism.
- A guide to graph client library - busayo - link
- A review of the Lens protocol - fatma - link
- Launch of hashnode - link (currently working on branding and positioning upgrades)
- Institute branding and positioning @ettinger nassar @brandonhaslegs
- Building revenue generating open protocol software products nassar - draft
- Technical research content strategy and recruitment @nas matt - draft
Cohort programme
- The draft Cohort Programme Strategy is now live on the Radicle Community forum for comments and feedback. In brief, we are proposing two initial modules: a 2-week Learn module and a 6-week Build module. This will be followed by a Venture module in the future. The aims of the programme will be to increase awareness about Radicle, to onboard contributors and ambassadors for Radicle, and to build tools that benefit the general web3 space and Radicle specifically. @RuthD @maddybergen lindquest
- First cohort curriculum development is now under way with the support of Dev Rel. A draft of this will be ready for review and feedback in the next 2 weeks. Ruth, maddy, lindquest
- Marketing calendar — @ettinger
- Radicle Messaging Kit — ettinger
- Radicle Digest: First Edition — @joelhans
- Podcast - maddy - Ready for launch
- Product marketing roadmap - ettinger - In development
We’ve started tracking the progress and impact of our growth initiatives. As we create more output over the next 3 months we hope more of our work will be more directly connected to our metrics.