Growth CU April 2022 Community update

Hi Everyone.

The Growth Core Unit (GCU) is a newly setup team, which is currently made up of the following contributors Isiah, Lucas, Shannon, Matt, Prema, and Nassar. Our focused and current objectives can be found here. I wanted to drop a short monthly update from the growth team on progress and next steps.


  • Ecosystem Growth Fund (EGF) - built out strategy with input from our fund committee. Also funded first proposal which was a small travel sponsorship. We currently have two open draft proposals for funding the early contributor programme with $50k worth of RAD and funding 30 days of code programme by WomenBuildWeb3 with $20k as they work to onboard more women into the space.
  • Radicle code collab - Last month we decided to build a beta group of DAOs that will work closely with the product teams to help test and guide on development. Lucas has hit the ground running and has been working closely with the Upstream team to design the Early contributor programme and onboarding DAO contributors to it. Very excited for this to roll out.
  • Drips - The Drips team has really pushed for focus on first few users over the last month by narrowing down on building the best protocol for streaming, splitting, and subscription NFTs. We’ve been working closely to onboard the right platforms that have streaming, splitting, and subscription NFTs in their roadmap. We met with Wonder in Amsterdam and they’re keen to leverage the drips protocol in their stack. We have a lot more work to do here and so are working hard to onboard more contributors that can help with technical sales to web3 platforms.
  • Contributors - Started work on onboard contributors in the following categories - launchers, marketing, community, dev-rel, product growth. Lucas has fully ramped up and have been working with Shannon as she gets rolling. We will be putting more infra in place to enable contributors to onboard and begin adding value and earning as active members of the radicle ecosystem.
  • Partnerships - We are exploring partnerships with potential funding and token swaps with a few community dev DAOs, product DevDAOs, and also larger DAO tooling partners. We’re very much focused on building out the strategy here with Matt leading the charge.
  • Narrative - We’ve been working to develop our narrative for both the DAO and the product side of things as we believe this is critical to the onboarding of contributors, users, and partners. Prema is leading the charge here in writing pieces that bring together what those who have an opinion this believe we should present to the market.


Just starting to explore adding KPIs. These numbers aren’t for active users or integrations, but want to start being more driven by these numbers.

  • DAOs: 4
  • Web3 platform integrations: 3

Peace :v:t4: