Grant Application - The Product House x Radicle

Radicle Grant Application

  • Project Name: The Product House
  • Team Name: TPH Lab Limited
  • Payment Address: 0x08CA0299DF127D09DdBdc67165ed60c380354826
  • Level: :seedling:-Seed

Project Overview :page_facing_up:

If this application is in response to an RFP, please indicate this on the first line of this section.

If this is an application for retroactive funding (i.e. work that is completed and committed into a codebase), please drop any related PRs in this section.


The Product House is a community of web3 enthusiasts where we enable them to learn, earn, build, and grow together.

The Product House is a community of web3 enthusiasts, builders, founders to, designers, marketers, content writers, artists and much more, where we enable them to learn, build, earn, and grow together. We’re aiming to build India’s largest web3 community and help them transition into the new internet.

We are doing this by making web3 accessible and giving everyone a chance to learn and create with each other. We aim to onboard hundreds of thousands of users on this journey to learn about the decentralised web3 world and transition into this new realm in 3 simple steps: Learn, Build & Earn.

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

Team members

The Product House’s core team includes:

  1. Suhas Motwani: Co-Founder of The Product House and The Product Folks Community and Indistractable, previously a Product Manager at PepsiCo, and a Data Analyst at Thorogood Associates.

  2. Aditya Mohanty: Co-Founder of The Product House and The Product Folks Community, WordKrowd & GrabChai, previously a Product Manager at Emeritus.

  3. Saurav Karmakar: Product and Partnerships Lead, previously a Product Manager at and IDfy

Plus, 10+ amazing core contributors in our team who are working across business, product, growth, content, design, marketing and community management and growth.


Legal Structure

  • Registered Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom
  • Registered Legal Entity: TPH Lab Limited

Team’s experience

We have a team that works for the top unicorns in India as founders, product managers, growth managers, designers, and social media marketers. This passionate team emphasises the value of community and web3 and is driving significant change in this area in India.

Project Description :page_facing_up:

GitHub dominates the market with an 82% market share. And, as we move toward decentralisation, developers, builders, and founders working in web3 must be aware of the various decentralisation alternatives for their day-to-day tools and software.

Radicle is enabling programmers to collaborate while removing the reliance on intermediaries, making it truly decentralised. Users can freely share coding projects without the need for a permission gatekeeper, such as a centralized code repository.

We, The Product House, are making web3 more accessible and giving everyone the opportunity to learn and stay current with all web3 tools and technologies.

Deliverables :nut_and_bolt:

  • Total Estimated Duration: 3 months
  • Full-time equivalent (FTE): Amount of time (in days) required for a single person to complete this project (see)
  • Total Costs: $40,000

Milestone 1

  • Estimated Duration: 1.5 months
  • FTE: 15 FTE
  • Costs: $25,000
Number Deliverable Specification
1. Developer Centric Workshop Series Host a hands-on workshop, followed by Office Hours with the Radicle team
2. web3 Academy Add Radicle-specific upskilling and onboarding guides and resources, which already have 10+ learning paths, with each having extensive guides to help folks learn more about web3 at their pace
3. web3 Company Page Add Radicle to web3 companies page, which is a portfolio for web3 companies

Milestone 2

  • Estimated Duration: 1.5 month
  • FTE: 12 FTE
  • Costs: $15,000
Number Deliverable Specification
1. web3 Stack Adding Radicle in web3 tech stack, which is a combination of technologies and tools that are distinct from the web2 stack
2. Twitter Space Organise a Twitter space collaborating with senior folks from Radicle Team
3. Offline Event Organise an offline event with builders in the web3 space

Future Plans

We aim to onboard hundreds of thousands of users on this journey to learn about the decentralised web3 world and transition into this new realm by:

  1. building a Learn-2-Earn platform with curated tracks and guides
  2. building a Bounty Platform that will help connect companies and communities and help people build proof of work for themselves by doing bounties

Additional Information :heavy_plus_sign:

How did you hear about the Grants Program? Twitter

Work you have already done

We launched The Product House with web3 Fundamentals - a free live cohort covering the foundational web3 topics taught by the best founders and builders in the space. This included the likes of Sandeep Nailwal (Founder, Polygon), Harsh Rajat (Founder, EPNS), Mayur Relekar (Founder, Arcana) and many more.

Link to the course (30k+ registrations): Learn web3 Fundamentals - Live Learning Sessions by Experts

We then built a curated learning platform - web3 Academy covering 10+ learning tracks and guides/resources to help anyone jump into a rabbit hole of relevant web3 topics.

@bordumb any update on this?


Main feedback:

  • There is a lot in flux in terms of the core Radicle products, especially with regards to Drips and Code Collaboration. As such, we would not recommend building on your side (or funding on our side) of educational materials that are likely to change a lot in the near future. So for now, we will consider this grant on hold until further notice (post Drips v2.0 launch).
  • The overall price does not really pass the sniff test. If you’re site has 30,000 registrants and the grant is $40,000, this would mean $1.30 per registrant, which seems rather high. And this is assuming 100% of everyone on your site read any Radicle materials. We’d need to have a more compelling analysis of user numbers to prove this pricing out. For example, what is the monthly growth of registrants? Can non-registered users view the content? etc.

Secondary feedback:
The Grants Program is generally moving away from funding educational programs. This work will be taken over by future subDAO’s of ours, lead by @nas and @RuthD . I recommend we have them look at this application to see if it makes sense for their subDAOs. But this may not be until early next year.

Thank you for sending this application in.