General Announcements & Updates
We’ve been working very hard to launch the Drips v2 application and contracts. I am happy to report that everything has been progressing according to plan and we will announce Drips next week as part of FundingTheCommons Paris on the 15th of July.
We are also working on a proposal to the DAO to fund a number of its dependencies with Drips, as a way to showcase the power of our solution and set a positive example for the rest of the industry. Expect a proposal with more details from us by the 10th of July on this forum.
Quarterly Objectives Updates
Below is a list of our reported objectives and our progress towards them:
1. Publicly launch Drips v2 contracts and application.
Everything is ready and we are announcing Drips v2 as part of Funding The Commons Paris on the 15th of July. @lftherios will present our work there.
2. Integrate social-linking (verified credentials + oracles) within the Drips app.
We deprioritised social-linking and we will work on it in Q3, as we didn’t think it was a must for our launch.
3. Research multi-chain governance options in order to potentially deploy Drips v2 contracts on more EVM networks.
We researched our options and concluded that this is still an unsolved problem for teams that want to operate on a truly trust-minimized environment. Our decision is to not deploy yet on more EVM networks. Instead we will wait and observe how bigger teams are tackling this problem.
4. Build & ship “Continuous Dependency Funding” experience within the Drips app.
It’s completed and will be announced next week.
5. Build & ship “Awesome lists” experience within the Drips app.
It’s completed and will be announced next week. We ended up unifying the experience for awesome lists with the above item (ie Dependency Funding).
6. Continue to iterate on core experiences based on user feedback.
We’ve been very focused on shipping the MVP, so we didn’t iterate much on anything beyond that.
Timeline & Budget Update (include in written update only)
We have spent less than expected, mostly because a) we didn’t prioritize an additional audit yet b) a number of contributors were on vacation in June and as a result committed less hours. You can see our safe and $ spent here: