Drips Community Update - December 2022

Hello out there and happy new year from the Drips team!

For us, December was a month of reflecting on everything that’s happened in the space and everything we’ve had the opportunity to buidl and ship in 2022. It’s pretty crazy to think that it was just this past January that we first launched Drips V1. What a wild ride!

We also spent a lot of time this past month reflecting on our mission, the mission of Radicle as a whole and where we collectively want to go from here.

We’ll be sharing more about our vision for what’s next soon, but for now I will say that we remain incredibly excited about the opportunities around creating funding tools for FOSS devs and their teams, as well as the potential of DeFi primitives like Drips to support public goods work across the entire web3 ecosystem.

In the meantime, here’s what the team has been hacking on this month:

Progress This Month

Drips V2 Smart Contracts

  • We are now up to deployment #8 on the Goerli testnet, with more polishing and improvements completed by @igor.
  • We’ve also added a new deployment on the Mumbai testnet, for those who are interested in building for the Polygon ecosystem.
  • This month @manuel has continued to work with @lftherios on launching two different bug bounty programs for the Drips V2 smart contracts. More details coming soon.
  • You can learn more about the various efforts around security for Drips V2 on the Security page in the Drips V2 docs here.

Drips SDK and Subgraph

  • The SDK now includes a MVP implementation of Squeezing! Nice work @jtourkos on shipping a first version of this highly-technical feature!

Drips V2 Docs

  • I’m excited to announce that with help from many on the team, we now reached the milestone of having at least “first draft” versions of all of the V2 docs pages!
  • We would love to hear feedback from the community and especially anything that we can improve, or thoughts on what we should add next.

Drips Webapp and Landing Page

  • After a legendary push by @json, @everett and @brandonhaslegs, the first versions of the Drips V2 Landing Page and App are now live! :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:
  • While the app still only supports the testnet contracts, it is looking absolutely amazing and means that we’re ready from the app side for a full V2 launch.
  • We would love to hear your feedback on the new app, as well as the new look and feels!

Partnerships and Ecosystem

  • This month @Lfada continued to move the partnerships conversations forward, with an especially exciting conversation with The Graph related to the prospect of streaming crypto payments as an alternative payment model for paying fully-decentralized indexers. This is in the early stages, but we’re really excited to continue explore this idea with them over the coming months.


As always, thanks for reading and please keep an eye on the #drips channel this month for more updates on V2.

Here’s to an amazing 2023 for web3, Radicle and Drips! The adventure begins once again! :sweat_drops: