[Discussion 🌱] Radicle Grants Program - Continuation

Sorry for the significant delay in review! Hopefully we can get this moving through governance now. @bordumb, very excited to see the Grants program continue into this next season. Sharing some thoughts/feedback here:

  • All for optimistic funding :mechanical_arm: Only caveat I would add is that I think you should maintain the concept of cycles, seasons, or rounds. Reasoning here is that it will give the RGP time to reflect and iterate, while creating space for community feedback. How do you envision these cycles working?

  • How can we better involve Core Development team members in the grant application process? I feel like we had 1-2 grants that got make or break feedback from Core Team members pretty late in the application process (one was at the final Safe vote iirc). I’d like to ensure that we’re involving Core Team members as early as appropriate to ensure that grantees are able to process & manage feedback accordingly — how do you suggest we do that in Season 2?

  • Do we want to set any KPIs or goals with regards to amount of funding distributed or grant applications received? I’d say that having 8 quality applications funded was a great success for Season 1, but how or do we want to scale the program up and if so, by how much?

  • When do we realistically think that Workstreams will be in a place to use for funding Grants?

  • I love the Retroactive Funding objective from Wave 1 Learnings + Future Plans! How can we expand on this further? Can we create space for retroactively rewarding contributions to Radicle?

  • I think we should ensure the application timeline is more clearly communicated to grantees. Seems like some grantees were confused about when to receive a response. On that note, do you think you have enough capacity to manage all grant in-flow while keeping to the application timelines? We should think about what additional personnel (or process) should be added to the team to ensure that applications are being processed and the committee is being engaged in a timely fashion.

  • My instinct is that communication during the application process is beneficial to keep grantees in the loop. Also, I’m not sure if we can expect grantees to be watching the multisig at all times. Perhaps we can develop a better communication process here? I’d be interested to know what @shelb_ee thinks.

All in all, great work. Super excited to move forward into the next chapter of Radicle Grants! :seedling:

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