[Discussion] Drips Org Proposal 2023

Drips Org Proposal

Author: lftherios
Type: Org
Created: 2023-04-03
Status: active


The team’s mission is to enable FOSS developers to financially thrive.

In short, the Drips Org is taking on the problem of FOSS sustainability / funding public goods. We develop novel protocols, tools and applications that enable new value flows for developers in order to receive funds from their users & supporters.

Annual Strategy & Quarterly Objectives


  1. Publicly launch Drips v2 contracts and application.
  2. Integrate social-linking (verified credentials + oracles) within the Drips app.
  3. Research multi-chain governance options in order to potentially deploy Drips v2 contracts on more EVM networks.
  4. Build & ship “Continuous Dependency Funding” experience within the Drips app.
  5. Build & ship “Awesome lists” experience within the Drips app.
  6. Continue to iterate on core experiences based on user feedback.

Q3&Q4 23

  1. Continue to iterate on core experiences based on user feedback.
  2. Integrate the Radicle code collaboration protocol, with the assumption that it has a stable release.
  3. Conduct an additional audit.
  4. Potentially deploy Drips v2 contracts on more relevant EVM networks (Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon)


Our only objective for this year is to prove Product/Market fit for drips.network. We will know we have accomplished that when:

a. We see increased usage and retention on the below metrics and

b. We plan to conduct surveys with our users and follow the Superhuman approach (ie asking “how disappointed you would be if the service wasn’t around” and measuring “very disappointed %”)


  • Monthly Value Transacted*
  • Daily Value Transacted*
  • Monthly Unique Addresses Transacting
  • Daily Unique Addresses Transacting
  • Total Value Locked
  • FOSS projects / Public Goods raising funds with Drips

*This includes value from gives, streams but not from top-ups. It also requires a price oracle for all ERC-20 pairs.

Organizational Structure

We are establishing a non-for-profit association in CH, where all core contributors can become members. Decision making is based on one member one vote.

The Association is an independent legal entity with legal capacity. It is governed by Swiss law. The official language of the association is English.

The founding members plan to elect an executive committee (yearly term) that will be leading day-to-day strategy, execution & operations.

Founding Members

  • lftherios (current project lead)
  • json (product & application development)
  • jtourkos (product, SDK & application development)
  • everett (product & application development)
  • brandonhaslegs (design)


  • IgorZuk (smart contract development)
  • Manuel (smart contract development)
  • earthwindfirewater (research & strategy)
  • LukeF (business development)


  • drips.network
  • Discord: a new Discord will be set up solely focused on Drips
  • Github: a new Github org will be set-up solely focused on Drips development
  • Twitter: twitter.com/dripsnetwork

Reasoning & Analysis

The Drips org is building and maintaining resilient and decentralized protocols, tools and applications that create new value flows for FOSS developers.

At the core of our work is the Drips protocol, a crypto native protocol for streaming and splitting funds on Ethereum. The Drips protocol provides continuous/recurring infrastructure for developers to receive and share funds with each other. We believe that it’s the most complete solution for developers to receive funds for their FOSS work in crypto.

Some of its differentiating factors are:

  • it’s optimised for millions of supporters (not for single streams)
  • has continuous settlement (or streams by the second)
  • it’s trust minimized and
  • comes with many handy features like programmatic splitting of funds, which allows for graph style routing of funds from one project to another

Reporting & Success Criteria

Success for us means impact on the FOSS ecosystem / public goods space.

In 2023 we want to see projects and individuals that contribute free and open source software and / or public goods raise new (additional) funding via our tools & infrastructure.

For objectives and metrics see section above.

With regards to accountability, all of our work and finances will remain public, so the RAD community can monitor our progress and spending.

Timeline & Budget

Monthly Totals
$157,696 $384,696 $157,696 $157,696 $157,696 $157,696 $157,696 $184,696 $157,696 Annual Total: $1,678,262.37
Cost Apr 2023 May 2023 Jun 2023 Jul 2023 Aug 2023 Sep 2023 Oct 2023 Nov 2023 Dec 2023 Totals
Contributors $137,784 $137,784 $137,784 $137,784 $137,784 $137,784 $137,784 $137,784 $137,784 $1,240,055
Budget for New Contributors $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Skyline Digital Fees $4,134 $4,134 $4,134 $4,134 $4,134 $4,134 $4,134 $4,134 $4,134 $37,202
Offsites (2) $27,000 $27,000 $54,000
Buffer $13,778 $13,778 $13,778 $13,778 $13,778 $13,778 $13,778 $13,778 $13,778 $124,006
Audits $200,000 $200,000
Accountant Fees $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $18,000
Legal Set Up $5,000
Legal support fees *accounted by the Radicle Foundation
Marketing fees *accounted by the Radicle Foundation

Fund Management

We plan to use a multi-sig (gnosis safe) with all current members as signers. We won’t use a bank account. Crypto to FIAT conversions will take place through Skyline Digital.


Hey @lftherios! Thanks for the write-up. A couple notes & questions:

Can you add a paragraph on what protocols are currently being developed by the Drips Org? Obviously it’s Drips, but this proposal assumes that people know what Drips is! Would recommend elaborating a bit more. EDIT: I see now that you have some of this in the Reasoning & Analysis section. Would perhaps move that up to the introductory paragraphs.

Where could someone find more on what these features are?

I know that PMF looks very different product to product, but I think this objective (as currently formulated) is too undefined for an effective evaluation of progress at the year’s end. Could you elaborate on how much “increased usage and retention” would qualify product-market fit or define a desired state of growth (e.g. 20% MoM)? Providing the current baselines of the stated metrics could also be helpful.

Cool structure! Looking forward to seeing this operating in practice.

Would you mind updating these with everyone’s Discourse handles vs. Discord?

Can you link where development currently happens in absence of the new Org?

Will you plan on reporting on the stated metrics quarterly? How will the community be able to monitor progress in practice?

Can you elaborate on this audit vs. the last audit that was recently completed?

What quorum will you be employing?

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Hi Team!

  • I wanted to check in about including budget for April because I believe the Foundation Org proposal will cover the costs until the end of April 2023?
  • I also wasn’t sure that legal costs were included in the Foundation Org proposal - and it’s inconsistent with the Radicle proposal which is including them (I’m not sure that matters, but wanted to ask!)

Thanks, Sally

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Hi @lftherios and team - this proposal gets me excited for where Drips is headed this year. Thank you for putting this together.

A few questions and pieces of feedback:

Can you include another couple sentences defining this problem (since it’s been something we’ve talked about so much in the past)?

What are “core experiences”? Are these separate from or do they include “CDF” and “Awesome Lists”?

Because it’s harder to know at this point what the roadmap will be in Q3 and Q4 2023, can we expect an updated roadmap as we get closer to Q3 and Q4, to understand how funds will continue to be used? If yes, where could we find such a document? My assumption is that the roadmap will become clearer as you listen to users and define what product market fit would mean/require.

Firstly, what will be done to engage more developers to build on the Drips protocols? I could imagine that implementations of the SDK is also a measure of success? Secondly, I know you plan on having a dashboard for hosting/tracking the metrics - but how would these metrics be contextualized to indicate success or how much closer you are the product market fit? In what format, what version of reporting, will the metrics be analyzed to answer this? How can the community access this additional context? I’m just thinking, numbers are great - but I’m not sure I know when a number crosses a threshold to signify “success” of a feature or product.

I’m excited for you all to test out this structure and how it can be morphed over time to support the development of Drips and the needs of its team.

I’m wondering if this section would be better suited to move up to follow the “Purpose” section.

To @sllyllyd 's point, I agree that April should be removed from this budget. But I do agree with @lftherios that “Legal support fees” should be covered by the Foundation Org for 2023 - see the “Responsibilities - Org Support Services” under the “Operations” section [Temperature Check] Start the Foundation Org. Secondly, are we assuming all contributors being paid in fiat? Is that what the Skyline fees represent?

One more question: what license will be applied to the Drips software?

Here you can see a prototype we’ve been testing https://www.figma.com/file/vyI7f996JF8zwhnXwAwXdC/💦-Drips-V2?t=M3znHI6hfLtnbuQN-0 It’s very early on, so it’s already changing a lot but readers can get an idea.

Yeah it’s a very hard question, where there is no definitive answer. Every founder does this differently, so I would like to hear more from other contributors that have experience on the topic on how they think about it.

The only definitive metric I can provide is the Superhuman approach that I mention above. You can read more about it here: How Superhuman Built an Engine to Find Product Market Fit. The key metric there is 40% of survey participants answering “very disappointed” on the question “how would you feel if the product wasn’t available anymore”.

Yeap I plan to create a Dune Analytics public Dashboard and share it here. https://dune.com/browse/dashboards

Yeap. The idea is to have the possibility to perform an additional audit if the Total Value Locked on the contracts increases significantly.


Thank you.

Hey there,

I wasn’t aware of that, so in that scenario I would have to remove that. Can someone from the Foundation Org comment here.

I believe that the Foundation org proposal is indeed including legal costs.

Thank you.

Thank you :slight_smile: That’s great to hear.

Yes. Core experiences include functionality like streaming and splitting of tokens, creating a funding profile for you or your project and sending / receiving funds.


The main focus is on developers using the protocol and product vs developers building on the protocol. The reason for that is mostly tied to the impact that we want to have in the world (ie fund public goods). We believe that at this point in time we can accomplish that by focusing more on the former and less on the second. Although the SDK is indeed a neat way for anyone to build something on Drips.

With regards to metrics, I shared above a link on the Superhuman approach for PMF. In addition, with regards to the rest of the metrics, we will be adding commentary every month on our reporting that contextualizes what works and what not and why. In addition to the Dune Analytics Dashboard that I mentioned above, I will be adding commentary on my reporting to the Radicle community that communicates highlights / lowlights and reasoning.

Thank you for chiming in with regards to Foundation costs. I will update my budget then.

With regards to FIAT, that’s the current hypothesis so indeed that’s what the Skyline fees represent.

Thank you for your questions.

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The existing licenses that are already there. Please check the links that I shared above.

Thank you.