[Application] Radicle vs. Web3 Tales Conference

Radicle Grant Application

  • Project Name: Web3 Tales
  • Team Name: Alice in Blockchains
  • Payment Address: We are using crypto payment processing via www.paycek.io, which allows us to process the transaction in ETH, but also converted to fiat and transferred to our IBAN.
    Category: Core Infra OR Radicle Adoption: Web3 & FOSS

Project Overview :page_facing_up:


Please provide the following:

  • If the name of your project is not descriptive, a tag line (one sentence summary).
    Web3 Conference in Zagreb, Croatia.
  • A brief description of your project.
    Participants and visitors will listen to lectures, panels, and workshops on how Web3 - blockchain technology, decentralized finance, NFTs, gaming, and metaverse - is already finding numerous applications that can revolutionize everyday business.

What additionally makes this conference unique is the fact that a 100% female volunteer team organizes it made up of members of the non-profit Alice in Blockchains.

  • An indication of how your project relates to / integrates into Radicle.
    From the instructions taken from Github, this Conference matches the criteria of general contribution to Web3 knowledge.

  • An indication of why your team is interested in creating this project.
    Our mission is to inspire women to explore their potential and become more numerous and visible in the blockchain industry. We aim to ensure that women have the leading say at the conference, with over 70% of female speakers and panelists.

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

Team members

  • Name of team leader
    Magda Milas, President of the Association
  • Names of team members
    50 members of the Association included in organization of the event, including founders Magda Milas, Iva Kvakić, Belma Gutlić, Anamaria Žuvanić, Petra Horvatović, all volunteering


Legal Structure

  • Registered Address: Trg žrtava faÅ¡izma 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
  • Registered Legal Entity: Alice in Blockchains, udruga za fintech, kriptovalute i blockchain

Team’s experience

Please describe the team’s relevant experience.
The founders of the association are:

Petra Horvatović, Art Manager who combines blockchain and art through a platform that promotes contemporary art;
Magda Milas, former banker and Fintech Expert who is currently developing the fintech area in a telecom;
Anamaria Žuvanić, Lawyer with many years of experience in advising clients on legal issues related to the financial services and IT industry;
Belma Gutlić, software engineer and Head of Research at a leading company for blockchain development
Iva Kvakić, a Consultant with many years of experience in the development of digital products
If your project involves development work, please single out a few interesting projects or contributions made by team members in the past.

For research-related grants, references to past publications and projects in a related domain are helpful.

If anyone on your team has applied for a grant at Radicle or elsewhere, please share info on that here.

Team Code Repos

Please also provide the GitHub accounts of all team members. If they contain no activity, references to projects/repos hosted elsewhere are also fine.

Team LinkedIn Profiles (if available)

Project Description :page_facing_up:

Please describe why you are applying for this grant.
This conference will enable more people to access new knowledge even if some or most visitors are not developers, they are the employers of developers who will be able to support more open-source communities if they are learning about the importance of new technologies.

The whole conference is based on the idea that knowledge should be shared openly and freely. An additional sign of that is our 50 volunteering women of the association Alice in Blockchains that are organizing the event.
This conference is one part of this active female community that is sharing technology news on a daily basis to the whole group via telegram, but also organizing monthly live meetings with regional technology experts to promote knowledge sharing and contribute to the collective body of knowledge in the open-source community.

Deliverables :nut_and_bolt:

Please list the deliverables of the project in as much detail as possible. Please also estimate the amount of work required and try to divide the project into meaningful milestones.

  • Total Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • Full-time equivalent (FTE): Preparation since January 20223
  • Total Costs: Amount of Payment in USD for the whole project.

:exclamation:The more you can organize your milestones into manageable chunks that are conducive to iteration, the better!

Milestone 1 Lighting

Please add additional milestones in the same way:

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: 2680$
Number Deliverable Specification
1. 20x ProLights Digistrip IP100-outdoor LED video pixel strip
2. 10x Cameo Zenit W600-ambient light
3. 6x ProLights EclFresnesl - fronta za stage

Milestone 2 Outdoor stage and equipment

Please add additional milestones in the same way:

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: 2,490$
Number Deliverable Specification
1. Stage 600x400, height 40cm with carpet;
2. 2x d&b V10P high performance 3way passive point source loudspeaker;
3. 4x d&b V-GSUB cardioid subwoofer
4. 1x d&b D80-high power four channel amplifier
5. 1x Midas M32 mixing console
6. 1x Midas DL32 - digital stagebox
7. 1x Sound equipment - backline
8. Stage light - 10x CLF Yara outdoor led light;
9. 4x ProLights EclFresnel; DMX lighting console

Milestone 3 Stage

Please add additional milestones in the same way:

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: 1,150$
Number Deliverable Specification
1. Construction - alu truss BLACK 600x400;
2. reinforcing mesh;
3. 10x ProLights DigiStrip IP100;

Milestone 4 NFT Exhibition

Please add additional milestones in the same way:

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: 2,590$
Number Deliverable Specification
1. Construction - alu truss BLACK 1000x300;
2. 9x Samsung Q-60R 55";
3. 16x Prolights Digistrip IP100;
4. 2x Oculus Quest2 128GB

Milestone 5 NFT Go2Digital

Please add additional milestones in the same way:

  • Estimated Duration: 4 days
  • FTE: 4 days
  • Costs: 12,600$
Number Deliverable Specification
1. 9x Portable interactive display (4 days);

Milestone 6 Video,Tone

Please add additional milestones in the same way:

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: 1,950$
Number Deliverable Specification
1. Wireless microphone handheld or headset x 8
Sound mixer
Light mixer
Video direction
Control LCD monitor for lecturers x 2
Video mixer;

Milestone 7 Museum space rental

Please add additional milestones in the same way:

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: 2,250$

Milestone 7 Booths

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: large 850$, small 720$

Milestone 8 Lectures video production

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: €5,800

Milestone 9 On site video production

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: €3,800

Milestone 10 Aftermovie

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days
  • FTE: 2 days
  • Costs: €3,400

Milestone 11 Speaker (Logistic, Fee)

  • Estimated Duration: 2 days

  • FTE: 2 days

  • Costs: €2,000 (each, 10 speakers total)

    Future Plans

Please include the following:

  • How you intend to use enhance, promote and support your project in the short term
    Support within the Croatian startup scene is huge and it enables the share of voice. On the other hand, this type of companies are financially not that strong to support the event. Sad that, the lack of knowledge within other sectors about the topic is one of the challenges the conference is planning to change.
    More accessible knowledge about Web3 will enable more engagement within various industries and markets.
  • The team’s long-term plans and intentions in relation to it. In other words, how will it be made sustainable?
    Each year there will be an even bigger conference with even more female speakers, female members organizing the event but most importantly, the knowledge will be even more accessible to everyone.

:exclamation:This is a good place to share how you might like to get more grant funding for future work

Additional Information :heavy_plus_sign:

How did you hear about the Grants Program? Medium / Twitter / Discord / Announcement by another team / personal recommendation / etc.
One of the cofounders of the Association recommended applying.

Here you can also add any additional information that you think is relevant to this application but isn’t part of it already, such as:

  • Work you have already done.
  • If there are any other teams who have already contributed (financially) to the project.
  • Embassy of Canada, most relevant local media and digital agencies (https://web3tales.io/ scroll to the part: Sponsors and Partners)
  • Previous grants you may have applied for.