Thanks a bunch for sharing this awesomely detailed Figma.
We’ll be taking a closer look at this.
I really appreciate all the detailed notes on things that worked well (e.g. using interactive prototypes) and the things that didn’t work well (e.g. finding time with participants). These kind of notes are great for the future.
Some questions/comments:
1. Does this mean your first Milestone is ready for evaluation?
The Figma you shared just above seems to cover the Milestone 1: IntelliJ IDEA Plugin
We have this Milestone Delivery Template here.
Note: It’s NOT a hard requirements, but it might help organize your notes + is a very clear indicator to us that the milestone is “complete” and ready for review.
It’s largely based on the original Application Template here, so you’re welcome to copy most details.
2. Any general thoughts on how this work might play out over time (e.g. adding new features)?
For example, there may be extensions to parts of the CLI (commit, push, pull, etc.) that would be useful to also add to your IDE plugins.
As an example, there is already this Grant Application here for extending the CLI to create Drips.
If/when you create another grant to full develop the ideas in your user studies/wireframes, I think adding some thoughts around making this all extensible + integrated with other ecosystem developments would be super awesome. I bet you guys will have some really valuable ideas around making things easily extendible so that future product features can be easily added over time