05/2024 - Governance Committee Update

Apologies for being a little late this month - I was on vacation :slight_smile:

:speaking_head: Announcements

  • There is currently an open discussion on the forum around adjusting certain governance parameters. The Governance Committee is looking for feedback from the community on how they would feel about adjusting different parameters as a part of the upcoming upgrade to OZ Governance contracts (tentatively set for July).
  • We are still looking for feedback on the “Voting Extension” model proposed in this forum post. Primary question: Does this need to be a formal process or not?

:ballot_box: Governance Proposals

Past Proposals

  • There were no active proposal in the May cycle.

Active in Current Cycle

  • There are no active proposals in the June cycle.

Upcoming Proposals

:seedling: Governance Initiatives

  • We finalized the Radworks Contributor Handbook and shared with core contributors end of May! The handbook aims to establish a common understanding of key Radworks structures and processes, as well as provide useful internal operations resources for core contributors. We are planning to possibly add some useful sections from this to docs.radworks.org as well.
  • I published the Upgrading the Grants Program’s Distribution of Influence Mechanism post in May that outlines an argument to replace the Otterspace badges with Hats and expand the scope of influence from other stakeholders in the Radworks network. This is a great sandbox to test this mechanism to use on a bigger scale in the DAO in the future! Please share your thoughts and feedback on the forum!
  • Continued research into enabling “partial delegation” (ie. ability to delegate to more than one other address) with the support of Scopelift. This would allow larger token holders to delegate their voting power to multiple parties, which would help address some distribution of power challenges. We are also looking into what it would mean to be able to enable partial delegation from the treasury in order to unlock the large amount of voting power trapped in the treasury.

:sparkles: Team Updates

  • We had a blast at Berlin Blockchain Week & ETHBerlin meeting up with ecosystem partners and friends who are passionate about governance and open source! Hope to see those who were unable to make it in Brussels or Thailand later this year!

Stay rad(works)! - Shelby & Abbey