[Temperature Check] Treasury Covers Costs for Creation of Radicle Orgs

Hey all. Having worked with @carson of textile.io to onboard them onto orgs we came up against $1000 setup cost for the Org, so above the ceiling for just one of the steps. There are many more along the setup. It isn’t really practical to onboard teams whilst trying to time it for low gas fee period. So the two options I can see are:

  1. We hold off and wait for some form of layer 2 solution. I onboard partners to our partnership programme and we onboard them at the end of the year to Orgs just ahead of the launch of contribution features.
  2. We reduce the number of orgs we fund to 100-200, with a focus on larger and established projects that we are setting up a more meaningful partnership with.

If we agree with this, I believe the next steps are getting this setup.

  1. create a gnosis multisig with myself, @abbey, @cloudhead - anyone else? can add others that are onboarding DAOs when needed?
  2. get approval from the treasury via a snapshot poll to then send funds to multisig
  3. when partners complete their setup someone on core team (probably me) will read the transactions made by org creating wallet and calculate the reimbursement. Can’t ask teams that are already doing a bunch of setup schlep to add more imo.
  4. A record of wallet, transactions, and amount can then be added to an airtable or repo for transparency and record keeping.
  5. ideally the multisig would have a 1 of 3 quorum on it as we should reimburse teams asap imo + in some cases I think it’s best to send them funds while they’re doing the setup on a call as getting the right wallet and funds sorted can add 20 mins to a setup call that is already fairly chunky.

What’s the best way to take this to a vote and setup? I’m happy to create multisig and add members. How do we format things to take to snapshot vote?