[Temperature Check][Org][RGP - #] - [Radicle Grants - #1]

Would the Radicle Grants program also fall under the Radicle Foundation Org , as per this proposal ?

Grants will be its own DAO, operating with the same current setup (i.e. Gnosis Safe for managing grants, committee on multi-sig, and OtterSpace badges for governance voting).

These are nice controls on the operations of the committee and this sounds like a good Request For Proposals (RFP) that could be funded by the Grants programme:

The RFP could incorporated the logic outlined above in a smart contract that holds the funds allocated to Radicle Grants, there doesn’t seem to be anything stopping the committee from taking the money and walking away.

This is an awesome idea!

I know of a few tools out there - like Gnosis’ Zodiac Reality Module - that could help integrate Snapshot votes (e.g. OtterSpace-based Snapshot votes) to execute Gnosis Safe transactions.

As a rough outline, it could be something like this:

  • Create a template for a “No Confidence Vote”, which only allows the funds to be sent back to the Foundation DAO’s treasury
  • Allow any community members (i.e. OtterSpace badge holders) to create a proposal using this template