[Structured Discussion] Distribute LBP unsold tokens to the people who contributed to the LBP in proportion to their contribution

Ref to the reply of @cloudhead :

since the LBP has 1.8M and we are moving only about 300K of those to uniswap

After we moving 300k of the LBP tokens to uniswap, there are around 1.5M left.

Just check the result of our votes in this thread, most of the voters support distributing 50% of the unsold RADs in the LBP to the LBP holders, it’s around 750k RADs now.

We only have 1058 LBP addresses who hold their 900k RADs from the LBP till now, to be honest, I personally think we might want too much since RAD is for the community but not the LBP holders only, but I’m not going to share my opinions on how to use the left RADs on other things because we are talking about distributing them to the LBP holders now.

It would be nice if there is a feature in snapshot that can decide how much percent of the unsold distributing to the LBP holders by the voting RADs.

For example, here are two voters Alice and Bob, Alice votes 50% using 100 RADs amd Bob votes 0% using 100 RADs, the result is 25%, this would be really awesome, hahaha

But if we really are asking for 50% of the unsold in the next few days, we can discuss the lock limit now, maybe with liner release?

0. Lock time of the Distributing RADs?
  • 12 months
  • 6 months
  • 3 months
  • 1 month
0 voters
1. How often to unlock the Distributing RADs?
  • 50% of the lock time
  • 25% of the lock time
  • 20% of the lock time
  • 10% of the lock time
0 voters
2. The type of the line in the liner release(I’m not sure how to call it…)
  • unlock from high to low
  • unlock fixed proportion the whole time
  • unlock from low to high
0 voters