[PROPOSAL] Add liquidity to DEXes using remaining tokens from LBP and raised USDC

the most important thing for radicle is let more people know this project, and this need spend much money

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there are no any profit for usdc which is raised from lbp, so using quickly

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Here is the tx before the LBP with the initial amounts.

I’m seeing $3,500,000.00 USDC. Where do you get $35,000,000.00 USDC from?

I am opposing to this proposal and will support fully for distributing for LBP contributors discussed here. The reason is that it is too early to put RAD on additional DEXs. If adding it to other DEXs now, there are more people looking for quick money and it doesn’t help the community or the ecosystem at all. This project is DevFI. Instead it should distribute to LBP contributors and lock the distribution. I believe that it will lead many contributors involve more and become long term supporters.

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Nay on this proposal.

  1. Official team should not do this just yet. People can always choose to put their tokens on Uniswap as they wish, but official team should wait till the economic model completes and RAD starts to circulate and support the ecosystem. Until then, Rad should not be speculated.