Further discussion and debate regarding the proposed budget took place on the Discussion post for this proposal (starting with this comment). As a result, the proposal author @yorgos has decided to make the following changes to the budget:
"So, even though we clearly see things differently here, and after our offline discussions and negotiations since yesterday, we will “disagree and commit” [1], requesting a reduced budget of 350K USDC in total.
With that said, and despite our disagreement on the overall amount, we remain committed to Radicle’s success and want to continue contributing towards that. I will proceed to edit the formal review post and adjust the requested amounts to the reduced budget, hoping that this will be enough to reach quorum and get this proposal passed in the current voting cycle."
@yorgos @vanton please update the budget on this proposal and adjust the proposal code as needed!
The Snapshot poll for RGP-23 will remain the same. If you have not already voted, please cast your vote with this new budget in mind!