[Formal Review 🌿 ] - Radicle Grants Program [v1]

What is the proposed compensation ratio between the Grants Lead (whose work is being funded compensated via this proposal) and the other committee members?

The compensation is the same across the board. $6250 worth of RAD per month per member, including the Grants Lead.

The rationale for this was two-fold. The amount was determined by surveying what people wanted and picking the upper bound. The equality amongst members was done because we simply don’t know how much each person will work and who will be doing more work than any other member.

Part of the Grants Program is that the entire thing ends after 6 months. I imagine this is something that would be readjusted at each new grants proposal.

What is the plan in general for Radicle DAO related Compensation? In the traditional world Compensation Committees are an important part of best practice in corporate governance and might be useful here

I completely agree with this. And it was actually discussed early on.

Creating a Compensation Committee is itself an entirely separate proposal.

So the choices here seem to be:

  1. Wait until a proposal for a Compensation Committee passes. Then build out a Grants Program.
  2. Build out a Grants Program with a simple compensation model tied to its multi-sig. With the plan being to pass the compensation off to a Compensation Committee once it is made. This would hopefully be done by the time this first Grants Program wave is finished in 6 months.
  3. Shoehorn a Compensation Committee into the same proposal as this Grant Program proposal.

#3 seemed like the worst idea. And it was a toss-up between #1 / #2. Perhaps the best order of operations is to build out a Compensation Committee first, then start building out functions/teams (e.g. Grants Program) that would be paid by that Compensation Committee.

I’d be curious to hear what you and others think on this. I’m not opposed to doing it more methodically like #1.

In general many other DAOs incentivize work simply with the promise that that work would increase the value of the DAO, thereby incentivizing that work…Why isn’t prestige + token appreciation enough incentive?

This kind of sounds like you’re saying people should work for free? Is that right?

Or it sounds like we’re assuming all members of the Grant Committee have substantial amounts of RAD. I would argue that that should not be assumed and that each member should be paid out in RAD. Once they are paid out in RAD, then your point about token appreciation starts to come into play and make sense. I’m not sure I follow this one.