[Discussion][RGP-20] - Grants Org Proposal 2024

Thank you @bordumb for this awesome proposal! It has been so exciting to see how Grants has grown and developed over the past 1.5 yrs! :rocket: As the work outlined here is so well scoped, this will be a great reference to share around the ecosystem to attract talented folks to tackle it.

A few comments & questions for you below:

This is a really exciting direction and feels really well aligned with Radworks’ overall purpose & mission.

Weren’t you considering to request a portion of the next Grants budget in RAD so that we could start distributing RAD to meaningful contributors within our community? We had discussed at one point that having a bit of RAD on hand to partially compensate grantees who continually come back and do impactful work would makes sense. Why does this budget request not include any RAD/what changed?

These are AWESOME goals to have - and I love the dog-fooding nature of using Drips & Radicle. The first two points, however, could require a bit of coordination on your end in order to get ample and meaningful feedback. How do you plan to spread the word within Radworks to get folks a) to test projects and b) give feedback?

This is such an incredible accountability mechanism to have built into a grants program! It really provides the flexibility that is often needed in this type of funded work.

Not sure if this is relevant for the proposal itself, but I wanted to bring it up anyway just in case it was. Regarding the distribution of influence experiment you started last year using Otterspace badges, do you plan to continue this? I thought this was a great initiative to try to open up influence on decisions around which grants to fund to more community members, and would love to see it continue!

I have also had some ideas recently on how we could possibly expand it and would be curious to hear your thoughts. I know the current program allows past grantees to participate in off-chain polls to signal support for a new grant application to help the Grants Committee gauge broader support for the proposed project. I think it would be cool to explore how we could open this up even more to include other active contributors within the Radworks ecosystem (Org contributors, active delegates, etc.)! Also, how would you feel about using this same system to elect new Committee members? This could be done just by signaling support like the current system or, with the right tooling setup, the vote could result in the actual granting of access to the committee multisig. I would have to look more into exactly how this would be possible with Otterspace badges, but with Hats Protocol this is definitely possible.

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