Hey folks! Just had a great Proposal Review call discussing this proposal. I will share the recording and a brief summary tomorrow, but wanted to share one topic that we wanted to bring to the forum for discussion that hasn’t been discussed yet and would be helpful to clarify before writing the final draft of the proposal.
In regards to splitting of the $1M RAD/USDC, how do folks feel the funds should be split between each Org? Some examples discussed on the call:
- All equal % split
- % based on proportion of funds allocated to each Org in the annual Org proposals
- Higher % for product Orgs who have clear software dependancies vs Foundation or Grants
- Should the Foundation Org be included? Or should the funds for dependancies be distributed amongst Orgs who have clear dependencies in this version of the proposal (i.e. Radicle, Drips, Grants)
Curious to hear thoughts, comments and questions on this topic before the proposal moves to Formal Review Monday.