Discussion 🌱 Deploy strategic cash on Enzyme while establishing a long term Treasury Management WG

Hello @noturhandle, you’re very welcome. Also, a great pleasure to meet you @ DevCon in Bogotá last week.

We also had the pleasure to speak IRL to @shelb_ee and we agreed on the following next steps:

  • Determine reasonable initial amount to get the proposal off the ground.
  • Define objective KPIs and frequency of assessment for future deposits.

Since there is generic support on the proposal and we simply need to flesh out those details, @eek637 and I will prepare the input for the next step Phase 3 - Formal Review :herb: as per the governance standard process, which will eventually feed the Snapshot vote.

Finally, to answer your question, yes, every deposit will still require manual execution from the Radicle Safe, but the idea is that the execution is pre-agreed as per the KPIs so we reduce the overall lead time and do not create unnecessary overhead on both sides.

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