[Application] Radicle VS Code Extension - Implementation Phase 1

Milestone 1 Delivery :mailbox:


The scope of this grant application covered the first version (v0.1) of an extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Integrated Development Environment (IDEs), for Radicle.

Version 0.1 has now been published and includes the basic features laid out below:


Number Deliverable Link Notes
1. Radicle VS Code Extension v0.1.0 Extension on VS Code Marketplace The published extension.
1. v0.1.0 Milestone (completed) See Milestone on GitHub for details on issues included The Milestone includes all issues included in v0.1. A detailed description of each feature can be found on the corresponding github issue (with some videos)
2. Roadmap (next milestone + backlog) GitHub Projects Board The Backlog includes all improvements we are aware of and features planned for future milestones.

Conclusion & Next Steps

We are delighted to finally be in a position to conclude this first version of the VS Code Extension for Radicle and are excited at the opportunity ahead! :rocket:

During the past few months, we faced several different issues (entirely outside work) that primarily affected capacity (i.e. the time we could put into the project). No additional budget was required, but our timelines were entirely off the expected ones. These issues have now largely been addressed, so we expect much smoother operations in the future.

As far as next steps are concerned, we are planning to bring the development of both the Jetbrains IDE Plugin and VS Code Extension into a single team.

On the VS Code front, we will be focusing primarily on the changes required for Heartwood support and, once that is in place, we will be focusing on embedding Patch Proposals inside VS Code. More details in the upcoming, combined, Grant Proposal.